61st Virtual Annual Conference
Let's get together and discuss all our poster presentations at our 61st Annual EB-ACA Conference Coffee & Tea Talk. We want to honor the hard work of our poster presenters and continue building our International Community (virtually).
September 27th
9am ET
Poster Presentations

Presenter: Erica Fenderson, MEd, CSC & Abigail Crouse, CMHC
Title: Professional Counselor Identity: Exploring Differences in Traditional and Online Graduate Programs
Summary: Current trends and research show a continued need for the understanding and exploration of counselor identity. It is important to understand the impact that different learning formats can have on the development of counselor identity for training counseling students. In this presentation, the presenter will share the results of the research on counselor professional identity in comparison to online learning versus face to face learning platforms.

Presenter: Bonnie Stice
Title: The Experience of College-Aged Sugar Babies
Summary: Sugar relationships have grown as a part of global culture over the past decade. These relationships consist of a sugar daddy/mama connecting with what is termed a sugar baby. This lifestyle has also become increasingly commonplace on college campuses. Perceptions of the sugar lifestyle, like other forms of sex work, oftentimes come with a heavy stigma attached. This presentation aims to provide an overview of the sugar lifestyle on college campuses, and how it is relevant to counselors.

Presenter: Jake Ziemba
Title: Breaking Down Barriers: Empowering Multicultural Students to Address Personal Topics in College Application Essays
Summary: Students from other cultures sometimes struggle with Western education’s emphasis on personal narratives, especially regarding college application essays. They may be reluctant to address these concerns with their English teachers due to the evaluative dynamic of student/teacher relationships. School counselors are in an ideal position to step in and support these students as they wrestle with the personal and academic demands of these assignments. Learn best practices to empower students as they navigate these challenges.

Presenter: Jake Ziemba , Chris Jeter, Taylor Dolton, & Corey Hancock Jr.
Title: Expanding Horizons: School Counselors Supporting Post-Secondary Transition Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
Summary: Learn more about the creation and implementation of an innovative grant that prepares future school counselors to better meet the needs of students with disabilities as they navigate the challenges of postsecondary transition. In accordance with Social Cognitive Career Theory, counselors funded and educated by this grant will help students of all demographics to thrive after high school.

Presenter: Savannah Arizmendi
Title: Alternative Treatments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) and Complex Trauma
Summary: Currently, the main methods for treating PTSD are antidepressants, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). However, traumatized individuals sometimes struggle with processing their memories verbally and antidepressants carry many risks and adverse side effects. This presentation will bring awareness to three treatment methods that have proven helpful in treating PTSD: theater therapy, MDMA-assisted therapy, and neurofeedback.

Presenter: Taylor Shelton
Title: Perinatal Counseling: How Psychotherapists can Better Serve New Mothers
Summary: In a world where thousands of babies are born daily, the transition to parenthood is an oftentimes overlooked experience. Despite this, The American Psychological Association estimates that 80% of women experience a change in their mental health during the perinatal period (APA). This presentation hopes to explain how we as counselors can better serve growing families that are experiencing changes in behavior, self-concept, and allostatic load.

Presenter: Madelynn Marlow
Title: Trauma-Focused CBT Groups with Refugee Youth: Reconstructing Trauma Narratives
Summary: Refugee teens are faced with the unique challenge of forming a bicultural identity through cultural influences at school and home while also navigating personal and intergenerational trauma, all during a crucial stage of identity development. Despite the significance of community in the trauma-recovery process of refugee families, little research exists on group interventions with this population. This research seeks to address this gap and provide counselors with skills for using group interventions with refugee youth.

Presenter: Kathryn Linich, Ed.S, LPC & Jonathan Ohrt, PhD
Title: The Feasibility of a Wellness-Focused Grief Counseling Lesson for Counseling Students
Summary: With this presentation, we will show the results of a pilot study we conducted to test the feasibility of integrating a grief-counseling lesson in pre-existing counseling classes to help students learn about grief definitions, theories, impacts on holistic wellness, and therapeutic interventions. The results of this study informed the primary presenter's dissertation study, which aimed to help increase counseling student competency in grief counseling.

Presenter: Kristen McMath
Title: The Enneagram with Couples: The Effects on Communication Skills, Empathy, and Self-Awareness
Summary: The Enneagram is one of the oldest models known for interrupting personality and can be used as a tool for awareness and change. It not only aids in self-discovery, but can also foster growth by allowing others to see each other in a new light and allow for more empathy. This presentation aims to provide an overview of the benefits the Enneagram could bring to couples counseling to help improve communication skills, empathy, and self-awareness.