Thank you for taking the time to attend and engage with our Conference! It takes a lot of people working together to make an event like this happen, and we appreciate you being with us.
Though the CE opportunities have ended, you have access to our Conference Schedule to review presentations at your leisure.
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Facebook: @EBACAofficial
Instagram: @ebaca_european_branch
In light of the global pandemic, the 62nd Annual European Branch of the American Counseling Association (EB-ACA) Conference will be held virtually this fall, September 24-25th, 2021. This year's conference theme is: "Transformations: Counseling's Past, Present, and Future".
We will have diverse presentations that address a variety of issues in counseling and reflect this year's conference theme, by addressing international counseling issues, and tackle tomorrow’s counseling challenges today!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at
We hope to see you virtually for the 62nd Annual EB-ACA Conference!
EB-ACA is continuing to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 and will communicate updates on the 2021 EB-ACA Virtual Conference as needed.
Though the CE opportunities have ended, you have access to our Conference Schedule to review presentations at your leisure.

Dr. Dareen Basma
Dr. Dareen Basma is a clinician, educator, and researcher, one whose work is grounded in social advocacy, community engagement, and the dismantling of oppressive systems. She has a particular interest in understanding the experiences of immigrant clinicians, educators, and clients, as they grapple with numerous oppressive structures. Clinically, she has worked extensively with immigrant populations, included refugees, undocumented immigrants, and international students.
A Humanitarian Catastrophe: Understanding the implications of war, imperialism, and capitalism on the mental health of refugees.
Plagued by decades of violent conflict and natural disasters, up to half a million Afghans could flee the country by the end of 2021, on top of the 2.2 million Afghan refugees already in neighboring countries and 3.5 million people forced to flee their homes within Afghanistan's borders - making them one of the largest refugee populations in the world. This has been the direct consequence of war, imperialism, and capitalism worldwide, and unfortunately, is not unique to Afghanistan. Today there are over 70.8 million people around the world who have been forcibly displaced from their homes, as reported by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). For the last 18 years, since the new era of war and occupation began, there has been no end to war, violence, and economic devastation imposed on people from Afghanistan to Iraq; Syria to Yemen; and Haiti to Libya by imperialist governments, with military interventions and sanctions that have destroyed infrastructure, housing, hospitals, schools, and completely torn apart the social fabric of many countries. With no end to the war in sight, people have been forced to flee, first their homes, then their countries, and then ultimately the region entirely, only to be faced with man-made borders, hostility, fear, and racism. This session focuses on understanding the vast systems that contribute to a humanitarian catastrophe with long-lasting implications on the mental health of individuals impacted. Specifically, this discussion will attend to the compounding effects of pre and post migration trauma occurring simultaneously to the cross-cultural transition.